Phase 3:
For this last step I could only pick two pieces out of the three I had, so the poor chest had to go cry on his corner. I decided that the bull could be more graphic with thicker lines and a bit more simplified. I also decided to define the flame of the cigarette a bit more. the gums in his teeth needed to create more contrast so it became dark.He also became a bit more defined from the neck down. The "Loud Cloud" received the collage treatment. A realistic cloud image was modified to make it have a personality. Its mouth got more depth to showcase how loud it is being. The expression lines are defined but are so loud they get out of the screen. This project was so fun to make. I could bring out my artistic ability alongside learning new ways to use programs. Being guided by a teacher like Paul helped me learn more in how to approach illustrations in a more graphic and appealing way.
Phase 2:
For the next phase We decided to present three that we liked the most and if we wanted to we could decided to just leave them black and white or add color. I wanted to try out colors just to see how much it would change the design. So I pulled up my favorite program to illustrate called "Krita". When I got to "cool bull" this exact idea of colors came to my head. I was able to lay them out how I imagined it. I made some changes to the line weight so it could look better with the colors and he became a navy blue bull with yellow horns and grilled teeth. The cigarette is lit with a bright orange-red flame that seems to be going up.The background is a solid light blue color. In my imagination he used to have a bling but I thought it was kind of excessive. For the "loud cloud" I wanted her to have a personality that could be seen from afar. She has a very expressive face and the shout I decided to do a visual representation with expression lines. I photoshopped this into a real cloud and tried to make it look pleasing to the eyes  "Depressed Chest" which looks cute but makes feel bad that he is depressed with the pool of his tears.  I wanted it to have a face and it would be crying in an exaggerated way.  The colors I wanted warm colors that would overtake the cooler tones from the blue.
Phase 1:
When we were assigned this project It sounded a little complicated because it wasn't just making rhymes. But they also had to be interesting enough to captivate the viewer. I had to put my thoughts into paper and do a very good job to make them look presentable. Not all of them are perfect  or the same quality but Im very proud of them overall. The original project said to do 50 but we decide to take on 25 well thought ones. The beginning ones like door floor, clap cap are kind of corny to me but the ones getting to the end seem very good. In the end we decided which ones we wanted to keep working on next.
Discarded Assets :
These are unused assets that could have been the final for the  "Loud Cloud" the first one looks like the final image but it has a gradient to the expression lines but it doesn't hit the same as the one I picked for the final. Then there is the paper textured cloud which was my first approach to it but it might have been too distracting and the "Heeeey!!! text didn't help much. I still like it quite a bit. The black and white with text did not add much to the illustration. The cloud at the end was originally my final but the one I picked in the end was better.
Rhyming Pairs


Rhyming Pairs
